So from this and past 1, 2 experiences, this is a tool you may not always need, but which can come in handy and I suppose iCare Data Recovery Pro is better than iCare Data Recovery 6.1.x Save | Cancel So from this and past 1, 2 experiences, this is a tool you may not always need, but which can come in handy and I suppose iCare Data Recovery Pro is better than iCare Data Recovery 6.1.x Since the partition is about 180GB and I could not tell how far back it was going to try to recover, I gave it time. The relevant video files, which it seems had apparently been deleted were recovered and at least those I needed in good form.

So as a last resort, although I'm sure I had only selected one specific video file and deleted from that folder, I decided to try an older version of iCare Data Recovery v6.0.x I have always had and after some scanning of the specific partition, I was able to recover all sorts of files, some no longer usable, because they had been deleted ages ago. I used several methods to search the whole PC, including a search for particular files and tools to display files taking space on the 4 partitions, in case I had unconsciously moved those files in the mentioned process to another folder, but they were not there! This defied all logic. So I checked in the recycle bin, none of these multi-GB video files were there. Somehow, for some strange reason, when I checked later, the whole download manager video downloads folder was no longer existent where it should be! I had however only right-clicked one video and deleted it & certainly not all. That's a simple action of right click, select delete of this one video. As soon as it started playing, I came to the still opened previous folder and as much as I know, selected and deleted the video I ad watched before. I watched some documentary in this folder, then started another in a different one in a separate partition folder.

The video download folder had accumulated a couple of GBs.

I use a a certain download manager, which separates files according to their category. A few weeks ago, something strange happened for which I have not yet got a logical explanation.